Living Without Muscle Knots
I won’t lie to you, it’s freaking awesome, probably the most awesome in the world. The Perfect Back is literally restoring you to your former self when your range of motion was great. It is one of the reasons I labeled this set of muscles our aging muscles, because when you have muscle knots in this area, you feel older, and older, and older as time goes. But it isn’t without a downside. With all great things, there has to be a balance. So I’m going to explain to you the pros and cons.
You see we have aging muscles for a reason. It is the natural order of things, and although The Perfect Back beats these aging muscles, you must act responsibly and one must know why the aging muscles become active, discover the pros and cons and make the best decisions possible. And everyone individually must decide their best choice. See, The Perfect Back gives you the tools and the knowledge to get all your muscle knots out, but you ultimately need to decide what is best for your individual situation. Because we all form these knots according to the way we’ve lived over the years.
So we are going to start with the WHY. Why do I get muscle knots? The four main reasons are: 1) injuries have created imbalances or the knot is to stabilize an injured area, 2) exceeding the body’s capabilities, 3) testosterone deficiencies, 4) excessive use of dominant arm creating imbalances.
We then need to establish what each of these mean in relation to the aging muscles. So I’m going to address each one with pros and cons and I’ll go in reverse order because it is best scenario to worst.
#4 Excessive use of dominant arm creating imbalances: So if you are your using your dominant arm excessively, your body will put muscle knots in your opposing hip and spinal column and since your body is always trying to be in balance, this is the beginning and it makes it the easiest to fix. And if your body has no other issues then The Perfect Back will help you greatly. No real downside. Note: By using your arms equally you can greatly diminish creating imbalances. And try to develop using your non-dominant arm with easy tasks like washing your kitchen countertops so you are not using your dominant arm for everything. Most likely this will involve the greatest number of people in comparison to the list below. And it is interesting that our first real choice in life is choosing a dominant arm and that leads to our aging.
#3 Testosterone deficiencies : Well a tell tale sign you have this issue is that your upper back wants to hunch over, you lose the ability to stand up perfectly straight and tall and will notice that you are drastically shrinking in height. So in this case you will need a testosterone supplement to go along with using The Perfect Back. If you do not wish to use a supplement, then I advise not using The Perfect Back. And it is very likely you’ve had injuries that drain your testosterone level. So one thing to point out, is that #1 through #4 can be separate or in combination. If in combination, review all that apply. For instance, if your situation is #1 and #3, then adhere to both. #3 by itself The Perfect Back is a positive in combination with a testosterone supplement. The negative comes into place when it is tied to #1.
#2 Exceeding the body’s capabilities: This one is interesting because of the multiple ways one can exceed the body’s capabilities. I’ll list a few examples: lifting too much weight or for too long, being excessively overweight, doing a sport that requires either excessive endurance or excessive power, having a very physical job. If you are exceeding your body’s capabilities, you may want to consider making changes to your life-style. And you’ll notice this is more the case once you are past your prime. Again one can use a testosterone supplement, but make sure you are not using this to excess. One thing about the aging muscles, is that they are there to protect you if you are exceeding your body’s capabilities. If you are living without muscle knots and also exceeding the body’s capabilities, the body will just find another way to break down and that could be worse than the aging muscles getting activated. If you must live in a way that requires you to exceed those capabilities, then you would require breaks in that activity level. If you are doing a job that requires that activity level all the time, then I do not recommend using The Perfect Back, because then you stand a chance at getting a real injury. On the flipside, The Perfect Back restores balance to the body, and people are less likely to be injured if they are on The Perfect Back. So again, your individual situation comes into play. The one recommendation I can make, is to really focus on limiting the time one is exceeding the body’s capabilities. I’ll use a personal example, I know that living without muscle knots I shouldn’t hit a tennis ball as hard as I can for several days in a row, that I need to give the body a break to recoup. So when I know I have exceeded the body’s capabilities, it is that time I might do a little therapy, but in the same token I also have to give it a day or two rest before I can go out and exceed the body again.
#1 Injuries have created imbalances or the knot is to stabilize an injured area: The one most important thing an aging muscle does, is to keep your lower body functioning. So if you have bad knees for example, those aging muscles are keeping those knees functioning. And by removing all muscle knots, the knees can become shaky. If you are not sure if you have bad knees, an easy test is to put a weight directly above the knee while lying flat on your back or with sitting with legs extended in front of you. Hold the position for a minute or two, if there is a knot it will likely release and you’ll see if those knees feel loose. If you don’t feel like a knot was present, then this might not apply to you. Some of the knee surgeries people have had, have created a lot of problems for people, so I’m now going to discuss more severe situations. If you’ve had any cartilage removed in your knee or it is partly missing, the leg will swivel to the area with no cartilage, losing being straight, it will create an angle. Once your leg isn’t straight anymore, more severe muscular problems will occur, such as having a bad neck, for instance. If you get rid of those muscle problems in the neck, then the body will adjust, and make the problem in the torso. Essentially the body has a number of moves it can make to create stability in the injured knee or leg, and may rotate to different locations when one location isn’t working. In that sense, it is quite remarkable. The Perfect Back kit focuses on all but one. I found that I could remove all knots except the ones in the hip, and live ok. But once I pursued removing the hip muscle knots, the knee crashed because it lost its support system. So people wanting this additional information on removing knots from the hip will have to contact me for further information. If the hip becomes too severe as mine was (creating endometriosis), some will choose to remove those knots and deal with the knee that created it. At this level of damage, they recommend full knee replacement. I know that people have had great success with that surgery, but I don’t believe it will be everyone’s choice as I’ve also heard about downsides as well. Again, it will be a personal choice.
All in all, The Perfect Back therapy will help millions get out of pain. And it is these aging muscles that are responsible for causing people pain. But as you can see from the above, there is much to think about.
The one great thing about The Perfect Back is that you can do those parts of the therapy that you choose to do, the video spells out each part, so you can make choices. And there’s two ways to use the therapy, use as needed, or do the therapy protocols for muscle memory which will lead to the feeling of youth.
Another thing to consider, is to restore your body to being balanced and perfect, and then allow muscle knots to slowly reform as you get old, refraining from things you know will cause you problems. If you are in pain, it is likely your muscle knots formed in a very negative way, however, the second time around with the right knowledge you can get these aging muscles to form smaller knots in a more positive way and the idea is that you want those knots to form more balanced than before. Fix anything that doesn’t feel right. You see there are multiple ways to use the therapy. And only you know what is perfect for you. Think of the therapy as your tools and you use these tools to your best benefit.
Another great aspect, is that you can go through life, occasionally aggravate a muscle, and have the tools to immediately take care of the problem. No waiting for the chiropractic office or masseuse to be open or whatever. Immediate gratification. Plus these stainless steel weights will last your entire life-time. It is the only cure on the planet, and the only therapy that will last your life-time. It is truly a one-of-a-kind. And allows you to eliminate all your other therapies.
One special note: Every human should take care of their spinal muscles (which is an important part of the therapy) and the reason for this is that spinal muscles can escalate to other more damaging problems, subluxations of the bones, osteoporosis, nerve damage, and vertebrae bones wedging into neighboring vertebrae bones. And as you can imagine, that will mean back surgeries will greatly diminish.
One thing to add: As a society, if we focused on improving the knees, making sure they don’t break down and maintaining perfect health, we could live younger lives forever (meaning whatever your life-time is). It’s just a matter of getting health professionals to really focus their talents in this area.
Theresa L.. Brumfield
The Perfect Back
P.S. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to write.